Ladies’ Group

Ladies’ Group

Programme 2023

Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month in the Church Hall at 2.15pm.

Programme of Meetings

8 March                   Rev Dr Linnet Smith

12 April                      Guide Dogs for the Blind – Carol Clarke

10 May                       Women Have a Go Group @ Victoria Centre – Edeltraud Freund

14 June                      My Favourite Things – Will Osborne

12 July                       Old Rushden 1066 – John Holden-Eyles

9 August                  Cream Tea

13 September         Dandelion – Ann Smith

11 October               The Hedgehog Lady – Jacky Bestwick

8 November Royal British Legion

13 December Christmas Carols, Mince Pies and a Quiz


Dates for the Diary

18-25 January          Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

03 March                  Women’s World Day of Prayer

Leader: Tracey Cave: 07805 566991