The Children’s Society

The Children’s Society

The Church of England Central Home for Waifs and Strays was founded in 1881 by Edward Rudolf, a Sunday school teacher and the charity has now evolved into The Children’s Society, a leading children’s charity committed to making childhood better for all children in the UK. Children in trouble with the law, runaways at risk on the street, disabled children, refugees and many more are helped by the Society.

Christmas can be celebrated by a Christingle service for children who are reminded of the message of Christmas with an orange and candle. The orange represents the world, a red ribbon around the orange denotes the blood of Christ, the candle, the light of Christ and four sticks decorated with sweets and dried fruit also inserted into the orange are the four corners of the world and the bounty of harvest given to us.


Currently there is no committee for the Children’s Society at St Mary’s due to retirements but anyone wishing to make a donation, please donate direct to the Children’s Society.



John’s New Quiz title ‘All Aboard’ is now on sale.

Price £1 from Pam Bailey, Samantha Nagel (office), Mary Hadley and Joy Holloway

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