Weddings at St Mary’s

…love is patient, love is kind…

(1 Corinthians 13)


Enquiries about weddings are always welcome.

Please contact: Church Office
Tel: 01933 412235

To be married in St Mary’s Church, Rushden, normally one or both of the couple need to reside within the parish boundaries (see the link:   Rushden St Mary Parish ) or have a ‘Qualifying Connection’ to the parish.

These qualifying connections need to be confirmed by the Rector, but might include if either of you:

  • was baptised in the parish
  • was confirmed in the parish
  • resided within the parish for six months at a previous time
  • attended public worship in the parish for at least six months
  • have a parent whom – during your life – resided and/or attended public worship in the parish for at least six months
  • have a parent or grandparent who was married in the parish


  • St Mary’s does marry first time divorcees, but only after two years from their receiving a ‘Decree Absolute’. Please bring this to the first meeting.
  • St Mary’s only book weddings up to 24 months in advance.

For more information on getting married in church, including cost saving tips as well as ideas for your ceremony, please see the website:

Rushden St Mary’s Wedding Costs 2024 (Please note these are updated annually.)

Essential Costs
Reading the Banns (reading and providing Certificate) £56.00
Marriage service in church £544.00
Verger £35.00
Heating £50.00 (October to March)

Optional Extras
Organ £100.00
Bells £180.00
Order of Service £25

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