Looking to get married in St Mary’s Church?

Looking to get married in St Mary’s Church?

Enquiries about weddings are always welcome.

Please contact St Mary’s Church Office
E-mail: stmaryschurchoffice@btinternet.com
Tel: 01933 412235

The costs of a wedding at Rushden St Mary for 2023 are given below.  (Please note that these are updated annually.)

For more information on getting married in church, including cost saving tips as well as ideas for your ceremony, try the website: www.yourchurchwedding.org

Rushden St Mary’s Wedding Costs 2023

Reading the Banns (reading and providing Certificate) £51.00

Church, Legal Fees, Marriage Certificate £556.00

Verger £35.00

Organ £95.00 (optional)

Bells £180.00 (optional)

Heating £50.00 (October to March)

Orders of Service £25.00 (optional)